The Excelitas/ Heraeus PKS106 is a Photo Ionization Detector (PID) Lamp. This lamp has a 19.6 mm diameter, krypton fill gas and a photon energy of 10.6 eV. The lamp life time at ambient temperature is typically over 3000 hours. It is also know as part number 80017644.
VOC gas detection
Gas Chromatography (GC)
Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Field monitoring of air and soil
Emergency first response
Jar headspace screening
Leak detection
Personnel safety in confined spaces
Portable Gas Sniffers
Heraeus can also manufacture custom design PID lamps, available with a range of components:
Window materials such as magnesium fluoride, lithium fluoride, sapphire and synthetic silica
Fill gas options include Hydrogen, Xenon, Krypton, Deuterium, Argon and Mercury Vapor
DC operated and RF operated versions, with power supplies available for either. In general DC operation is the ideal for fixed-installation instruments such as Gas Chromatographs, where continuous monitoring is required without circuit power constraints. For hand-held detectors, RF versions provide the solution to demands for smaller size and low-power drive circuitry.
Unique dimensions to fit any instrument.
Warranty Information
Manufacturer's Warranty: The manufacturer warrants its products to be free of detects in materials and workmanship for the stated period from date of original purchase invoice. All warranties or merchant ability and fitness for any purpose and all other warranties, expressed or implied, except those expressly set forth herein, are deemed waived and excluded. Manufacturer's duty under the warranty is limited to replacement and/or repair of the defective part at their exclusive option. Seller shall not be liable for any expenses or damages incurred by the purchaser except as expressly set forth herein, and in no event shall seller or manufacturer be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. This warranty does not supersede any statutory rights that may be available in certain countries. The foregoing manufacturer's warranty of shall be voided, and of no force and effect if buyer has modified or damaged the product.